Due to an unusually high volume of production, FAST Motion Studios is unable to shift production to accommodate field trip requests between October to December 2019, as we have done in past seasons. We trust our hectic schedule will relent somewhat in 2020 and we can resume our field trip programs between January toJ June 2020. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your support of our experiential-learning program for students. Please contact our Education Director, Dave Doucette, should you have questions or concerns: dave@fastmotionstudios.com .
This 'Physics in Action' workshop engages students minds through a vertical journey of the Entertainment sector. The film and new media industry is thoroughly STEM-based*, integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in creative and innovative ways to design incredible feats of action which are believable in the context of the storyline. (*Note; we prefer STEAM, adding Arts to core STEM subjects!).
High school physics courses are central to STEM education and are getaway courses to University engineering, College technology and workplace apprenticeship programs. Designing stunt action safely requires application of physics principles and 21st. century skill sets. A field trip to Fast Motion Studios will provide high school students with unique, authentic hands-on, minds-on applications of physics while showcasing essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Students are afforded an insider's view of diverse array of career pathways in a burgeoning, recession-proof industry- with an aging Canadian workforce!
We welcome a fresh infusion of young innovative entrepreneurs.
Sessions are 3 hours in length, offered in the AM or PM.
Cost of session is $32.00 plus HST per student, with a minimum number of 22 students and a maximum of 40 students.
*Please note if fewer than 22 students attend, the minimum cost is allocated at $32.00 x 22 students, plus HST.
Dates and times can be arranged through our Education Director- Dave Doucette Email: dave@fastmotionstudios.com
A look into Fast Motion Studios, a view into stunt action using Physics in this unique S.T.E.A.M. field trip.
Session registration
(click below button to register)
Curriculum Connections
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Education Collaborators
Ontario Association of Physics Teachers (OAPT)
Science Teacher’s Association of Ontario (STAO)
Durham District School Board: Physics Teachers Focus Group
This was such a fun day! I felt like I was a real stunt woman! I highly recommend this field trip.
Simcoe –Muskoka Catholic District School Board
I would say that this was one of the many wonderful experiences that I have ever had going to on a school trip and I would encourage my friends to join this course.
Toronto District Catholic School Board
The experience is awesome, who wouldn't want to do stunts, then learn the physics behind them.
York Region District School Board
The best thing was collaborating in a small group to create the acting scene.
Holy Trinity School (Private)
From the moment I walked in, I could easily say that I was amazed. I loved how every subject field, whether it was English, science, or math, was involved.
York Catholic District School Board
Education Collaborators
Ontario Association of Physics Teachers (OAPT)
Science Teacher’s Association of Ontario (STAO)
Durham District School Board: Physics Teachers Focus Group
Ontario Ministry ofChildren & Youth Services: Stepping Up
Experiential learningopportunities can help young people appreciate the relevance of what they are learning in school. By…taking field trips where they can engage in hands-on learning, young people have the opportunity to connect with issues and ideas outside the classroom.